Still Tuesday here at Radio Free Silver Lake and still more great stuff a-coming our way! With this week's offerings, everybody is a winner.
This Thursday, RFSL friends Radars to the Sky will be celebrating the release of their first full length album Supra / Infra, and would love for as many RFSL readers as possible to join in on the fun. RFSL compatriot blog, Buzzbands, presents the commemorative night as dj'd by Buzzbandster Kevin Bronson. Radars to the Sky will be at Spaceland, joined on the evening by Death To Anders, Smokers In Love, and a RFSL favorite we'll call "The James K. Polk Folk" (for now).
With Supra / Infra (cover art seen at left) now available for our ears, we will be reminded of the tremendous quality of music Radars to the Sky provides; and with them on stage at Spaceland come Thursday night, we will be reminded once again of how well their stage presence delivers it.
Along with Radars to the Sky, Death To Anders returns to the stage. Smokers In Love join in on the fun as well. But wait, there's more; "The James K. Polk Folk" join the party themselves (he types as if he knows what he's talking about)...more about that later this week!
So, on to the giveaways...Thanks to Radars to the Sky, we are able to offer free entry to one lucky RFSL reader and guest along with a free copy of Supra / Infra. But again there's more! Thanks also to RttS, ALL readers who enter the contest will be able to pick up their very own free copy of Supra / Infra at the show come Thursday night!
So enter the mix by dropping an e-mail to "RFSLjoel(at)gmail(dot)com” (if you are 21 or older). Include "Radars to the Sky at Spaceland" in the subject line and your full name (and any other comments you may have) in the e-mail text. To be certain you get in the mix, we'll need that e-mail by Noon on Thursday.
Remember, no losers here: One free show + CD winner; a free CD for all who enter the contest and attend the show (where they may pick-up said CD); and a terrific show and great new album for all! Thanks, Radars to the Sky! -jdr
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