The new Henry Clay People album Twenty-Five for the Rest of Our Lives is out today. We'll have more from the Clays later this week, but today we wanted to point you to a full album stream of the new record.These twelve tracks are the result of a labor of "we no longer give a fuck." Front man Joey Siara once described the Henry Clay People to me as something better to do on a Tuesday night than sitting on a couch in Glendale watching Survivor.
"[The new album]... comes from being a little bit burnt on playing music. ...and asking why go out and make anything that doesn't say anything. On the last record the songs I really liked were the ones that had a clear, pointed angry voice. On this record Andy [Siara] and I made almost a pact: We make an honest record about who we are and the things that go on in our brain. If this is the last record that we ever make, then make it something that we can stand by and be proud of. That was the creative backbone of the record. Don't stop, don't settle for anything. ...There's a youthful optimism in playing rock 'n roll music--at first and then it's put against the challenges of getting older, what you sacrifice in order to follow your delusional dreams. It's an honest record about at what point is that sacrificing worth it. "
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Posted by: osteo arthritis | December 04, 2012 at 07:39 AM